This site, and it's contents is property of , and operated by Admand, S.A. de C.V. We are conscious of the interest of our visitors about the treatment given to the information they provide to us. For this matter we have developed the following privacy policy: Our PolicyWe do not gather at the site any personal information about individuals, unless they provide it willingly and consciously. This means no previous registration is required to access our site. There are, however, some areas within our site which require filling out form data, in order to process some request. Should you decide to proceed, the data entered will be solely used to provide the requested information or services. We may occasionally stablish contact, in order to let you know of new events or promotions to our clients. Admand DOES NOT AND WILL NOT provide this information to any third parties under any circumstance. Contact usIf you have any doubts about our privacy policy, you can e-mail us at: info@admand.com